General Information

Entity NameMg & Dj Berget, Inc.
Company ID10146975
Creation DateJan 08, 2002
Business ConditionActive
Registration StateARIZONA
PublishedFeb 08, 2002

Mg & Dj Berget, Inc. is a firm situated at 1235 North Sunnyvale. It has has been in this business for the last 22 years. Monte G Berget According to the official data, this business agent is Monte G Berget.


PersonMonte G Berget
Agent StatusAPPOINTED 01/08/2002
Agent Address1235 N Sunnyvale #6Mesa, Az 85205
UpdatedJan 09, 2015


NameRoleRegister AddressStart DateUpdated
Monte Berget PRESIDENT1235 N Sunnyvale #6Mesa, Az 85205Jan 08, 2002Jan 09, 2015
Monte Berget SECRETARY1235 N Sunnyvale #6Mesa, Az 85205Jan 08, 2002Jan 09, 2015
Debra Berget VICE-PRESIDENT1235 N Sunnyvale #6Mesa, Az 85205Jan 08, 2002Jan 09, 2015


Mg & Dj Berget, Inc.
1235 N Sunnyvale #6
Mesa, Az 85205
United States
Nearby Business