General Information

Entity NameX19 Technologies, LLC
Business ConditionFranchise Tax Involuntarily Ended
Company Number0800370438
Tax ID32015500872
IncorporatedJul 28, 2004

X19 Technologies, LLC is a firm situated at 4407 13th Street. It has has been in this business for the last 19 years. David Sharp According to the official data, this business agent is David Sharp.


NameDavid Sharp
Address4407 13Th Street
Lubbock, Tx 79416
United States


RoleNameTypeActive DateResigned DateEnd DateAddress
DirectorDavid SharpO2012- - 619 BROADWAY LUBBOCK, TX 79401
MemberDavid SharpO2012- - 619 BROADWAY LUBBOCK, TX 79401

Previous Names


X19 Technologies, LLC
4407 13Th St
Lubbock, Tx 79416-4819
United States
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