General Information

Entity NameI2 - America'S Image, Lp
Business ConditionFranchise Tax Ended
Company Number0800557638
Tax ID32035314866
IncorporatedOct 14, 2005

I2 - America'S Image, Lp was created on Oct 14, 2005 in Lubbock, TX. Company Number assigned to this company is 32035314866. Registered agent of I2 - America'S Image, Lp is Levant Capital Management, LLC.


NameLevant Capital Management, LLC
Address1500 Broadway, Suite 1120
Lubbock, Tx 79401
United States


RoleNameTypeActive DateResigned DateEnd DateAddress
No people found.

Previous Names


I2 - America'S Image, Lp
905 Avenue K
Lubbock, Tx 79401-2720
United States
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