General Information

Entity NameOe Assurance Corp
Company ID8897262-0142
Company TypeCorporation - Domestic - Profit
Home State
Employment VerificationNot Registered with Verify Utah
NAICS Code9999
NAICS TitleNonclassifiable Establishment
Company StatusExpired
Company Status Date07/08/2015
Status DescriptionVoluntarily Dissolved
Incorporation Date12/30/2013
Company Age ten years, five months and one day

Oe Assurance Corp is a firm situated at 1155 West 400 North. The Utah Corporation Register No. is 8897262-0142. This business has been started about 10 years ago.


NameTed D Lewis
Address1155 W 400 N Salt Lake City, Ut 84116

Previous Names

No previous names found


Oe Assurance Corp
1155 W 400 N
Salt Lake City, Ut 84116
United States
Nearby Business